DUOLINGO: Thank you to the nice folks at Duolingo for having me!

THE NEW YORKER CARTOON CHALLENGE: Cartoonist Navied Mahdavian (expert) teaches me (amateur) how to draw a cartoon (through verbal instructions only!).

THE NEW YORKER: The Most Popular Shouts of 2021

THE NEW YORKER: A Sampling of the Best Shouts of 2020

STET MAG: Comedy Writer JiJi Lee is reconnecting with her childhood past times.

NEWSLETTER OF HUMOROUS WRITING :Thank you for including my piece How to Get Out of a Hammock! Subscribe to their wonderful newsletter!

FORTUNE MAGAZINE - Thank you for including my New Yorker piece The Bad Boy Chef in The Broadsheet round up! I am a powerful mogul now.

THE NEW YORK TIMES - Nicholas Kristof and The NYT Opinion team acted out my Where to Cry in an Open Office piece and I’m in awe of their ability to cry on command.

CUP OF JO - Thank you for featuring my New Yorker piece!

CAITLIN’S CORNER: COMEDY & SATIRE NEWSLETTER - I talk humor writing and storytelling with the lovely and amazing Caitlin Kunkel. 

BUZZFEED - Thank you for featuring my Clipboard People video!



PRESS FOR MY show split personality.

REFINERY29: 5 Things to Know This AM

BROKELYN: Best Things to do Tonight

This is what I look like making a peace sign.

Photo credit: Arin Sang-urai.